This revolutionary Rankine cycle micro-cogeneration technology is unique in its suitability for the residential and small commercial user. It provides all of the heating and hot water needs of a home whilst also generating electricity for use in the home. Surplus electricity can be sold into the grid. Micro cogeneration systems, also known as micro CHP (Combined Heat and Power) systems, are thus uniquely able to provide home heating whilst earning an income.
Our technology is simple and affordable and has been designed with the comfort of the end user in mind – it runs very quietly and requires almost no maintenance.
It is highly innovative and is protected by several patents. The innovations provide:
- mechanical simplicity for low cost and durability,
- 65% of Carnot efficiency
- electronic control for optimum efficiency at all operating states,
- Virtually vibration free and silent.
The electronic control of vital engine parameters allows the operating parameters of the engine to be reconfigured on the fly, providing optimum efficiency under varying heat and load conditions.
Our technology has been proven in extensive testing and is now being developed for production. The first product to be released is our solar electricity, heating and hot water system. Our micro CHP and waste heat recovery products will follow.
Applidyne has developed this technology for our sister company Cogen Microsystems